Co-founders Roni Nocon, MA, LPCC and Amy Sage, MA, MS, NCC have been school counselors for the past 15 years.
Over the course of their careers they have seen a decrease in children’s overall well-being and an increase in depression, anxiety, self-harm and negative self-worth. They found that a child’s emotional health is greatly impacted by something they have no influence over in the schools - the family environment.
This discovery sparked their research into how they can teach children the social-emotional skills that research has shown are necessary to improve the family’s overall emotional well-being. As parents first and counselors second, they developed a passion for creating positive parenting activities and tools to teach their own families emotional intelligence skills.
Once they realized that they can have a broader impact by reaching beyond the school walls, they’ve continued to brainstorm strategies and techniques to build emotional intelligence which will have a positive impact on the whole family. That is how their idea for a subscription box was born!
After years of creating classroom lessons, and countless hours of thought and research, Amy and Roni decided to structure ParentingEQ around the concepts of: read, play, practice, and tools.